Dismantlecon: BIMCO’s Form Offshore Decommissioning Contract

April 13, 2020
Soundings - American Salvage Association

Types : Bylined Articles

In September 2019, BIMCO, venturing for the first time into waters offshore, released its DISMANTLECON form master services agreement for the decommissioning and removal of offshore structures. This article is intended to provide insight and evaluation of that services agreement for those considering use of the form. Because certainty and consistency of obligations speeds the negotiation of contracts and reduces the opportunities for disputes about the parties’ respective responsibilities, developing standard terms and clauses for contracts was one of BIMCO’s original aims and led to the early establishment of its Documentary Committee to draft standard forms and clauses (for more info visit https://www.bimco.org/about-us-and-our-members).


The full article can be found on pages 8-18 in the PDF of the Spring 2020 Edition.



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