

Our Cannabis Law Practice Group is dedicated to providing our clients with a comprehensive understanding of the laws and regulations surrounding the cannabis industry.

Our attorneys have experience working with highly regulated businesses to guide them through the continuously developing grid of state and federal regulations. Our innovative thinking and collaborative approach allows our attorneys to provide counsel to governing bodies, cannabis entrepreneurs, hemp producers, and any auxiliary businesses on issues involving intellectual property, employment law, land use, zoning and municipal law, healthcare law, licensing, and regulatory compliance. We are a full-service firm and provide guidance from the beginning of a cannabis venture, throughout the licensing process, day-to-day operations and beyond.

The cannabis industry continues to expand rapidly showing no signs of slowing down as more states legalize marijuana and hemp production increases. With the growing number of states allowing medical or recreational cannabis, this emerging market is expected to grow its revenue from $8.5 billion in 2017 to $31.8 billion in 2023. We recognize the complex and sometimes conflicting relationship between federal and state laws in the cannabis industry and serve as strategic business partners to provide our clients with informed guidance in compliance with legislation. Our experienced attorneys effectively navigate the nuanced landscape of the cannabis industry, with a commitment to our clients’ success at the forefront.


Representative Matters
  • A global industrial gas company in drafting policies involving sales of gases to cannabis businesses;
  • A business entity in the submission of an application to the New Jersey Department of Health, Division of Medicinal Marijuana for dispensary license;
  • A hemp company in preparing trademark applications for CBD products;
  • A start-up company in the hemp cultivation and extraction business;
  • A Colorado cannabis consulting company in licensing application dispute;
  • A wellness and nutrition company focused on the development and distribution of CBD infused products;
  • Various hedge funds with financing for cultivation and dispensary of cannabis;
  • Dispensary and grower/processor permit applicants in administrative proceedings before the Pennsylvania Department of Health and in litigation before the Commonwealth Court of Pennsylvania during Pennsylvania’s Phase I medical marijuana permitting cycle;
  • Various employers regarding employee use of medical marijuana; and
  • The Official Committee of Equity Security Holders in the Pyxus International, Inc. bankruptcy in accelerated discovery and two-day trial.

Disclaimer: Using, possessing, distributing and/or selling marijuana is illegal under federal law, regardless of any state law. Businesses and individuals should be aware that compliance with state law does not assure compliance with federal law.  Federal laws may be enforced in the future. Legal advice provided by Montgomery McCracken is designed to counsel clients regarding the existing and/or proposed cannabis law. No legal advice we give is intended to provide any guidance or assistance in violating federal law.

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