How Midsize Firms Fit Summer Associates Into the New Normal
September 23, 2020
The Legal Intelligencer
Types : In the News
Many midsize firms scrapped summer programs years ago, but two Pennsylvania firms were determined to keep theirs running, even during a pandemic.
Summer associate programs around the country adapted to COVID-19 restrictions this year, and midsize firms—at least those that still held a summer associate program—were no exception.
In Big Law, numerous firms shortened their programs or made them virtual, as law students anxiously anticipated an announcement of how their summer plans might change. For smaller firms with a smaller summer class, there were fewer anxious students to reassure, but the communication was still crucial.
At Philadelphia-based Montgomery McCracken, the summer associate group consisted of four rising 3Ls and two rising 2Ls. Partner Steven Pachman, who runs the program and is on the firm’s hiring committee, said he was determined to find a way to continue the firm’s summer program despite the pandemic.
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