The Saga of the Athos I Litigation Continues: Recent Decision on Safe Berth Warranty and Wharfinger’s Negligence

January 30, 2017
Eugene J. O'Connor

Types : Bylined Articles

In a meticulous 174-page Opinion handed down on July 25, 2016, following an 8-week trial held in the spring of 2015, Judge Joel H. Slomsky of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Pennsylvania awarded Frescati Shipping Company, Ltd. and Tsakos Shipping & Trading S.A., the owner and operator of the tanker M/V Athos I, their claim in full, plus accrued interest, for a total judgment in the amount of $71.5 million against Citgo Asphalt Refining Company and related companies (“CITGO”) in a case arising from a catastrophic 2004 oil spill at Paulsboro, New Jersey, just across the Delaware River from Philadelphia.


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