She fractured her spine after the car ran a red light. Uber said she signed away her rights to a jury trial.

January 27, 2020
The Philadelphia Inquirer

Types : In the News

When you download Uber’s app, you agree that you’re older than 18, that you’re not using a stolen credit card to pay your driver, and — if you’re like one Philadelphia woman and fracture your spine in a Center City car crash — that you won’t seek a jury trial against the ride-share giant.


When it comes to requiring customers to approve a “terms and conditions” contract with an arbitration clause, Uber is “not unusual,” said Charles B. Casper, a Philadelphia-based consumer and class-action defense lawyer who is not involved in the Uber case. The clause is typical of many cell phone, cable television, and rental car contracts, Casper said.

But whether Uber gives customers notice that they’re forfeiting their right to a jury is a fair question, Casper said.


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