Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Disaster, Subject of ABA-Sponsored Webinar
July 22, 2010
Types : Press Releases
Montgomery McCracken Environmental Law Partner Tim Bergère a Panelist.
Montgomery McCracken partner Timothy J. Bergère was one of four nationally-recognized attorneys selected for a panel discussion on legal issues arising from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster. The much-anticipated and well-subscribed presentation, entitled “Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill – The Legal Fallout” was sponsored by the ABA Tort Trial & Insurance Practice Section (TIPS). Bergère addressed legal challenges faced by the designated responsible parties arising from the many law suits and parallel civil and criminal investigations surrounding the Gulf oil spill, the pursuit of damage and cleanup cost claims before the National Pollution Fund Center, and cost control issues associated with disaster response actions.
Bergère is chair of Montgomery McCracken’s Environmental Law Practice. For over 25 years his practice has included representing governmental and private parties in all aspects of environmental counseling and litigation. Bergere has served as lead environmental counsel in numerous business, financial and real estate transactions, and has extensive experience in spill response and natural resource damage assessments, as well as managing environmental issues associated with plant explosions and other significant casualty events. Bergère continues to work on the legal team representing the ship-owner interests in the Athos I incident on the Delaware River in 2004, which recovered over $88 million from the National Pollution Fund Center under OPA ‘90. Prior to the Gulf Oil spill, the Athos I incident was the most expensive oil spill response in US waters post-Exxon Valdez.