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26th Annual This Year in Nonprofit Law
November 10, 2016 @ 8:30 am - 3:45 pm
View the 2016 program brochure.
To view the 2016 agenda, please click here.
Nonprofit Issues® and the Philadelphia law firm of Montgomery McCracken will present the 26th annual “This Year in Nonprofit Law” on Thursday, November 10, 2016.
Nadya K. Shmavonian, Director of the Nonprofit Repositioning Fund in Philadelphia, will provide the keynote presentation on “Strategic Alliances and Restructuring: The Overview From an Encouraging Collaboration of Funders”. The Repositioning Fund has been created by a group of nine primarily regional funders to assist nonprofits considering strategic alliances, mergers, acquisitions and other long-term collaborations with both exploratory and implementation grants. Nadya previously served as president of Public/Private Ventures (P/PV), executive vice president of The Pew Charitable Trusts and vice president for strategy at the Rockefeller Foundation. Having worked both in philanthropy and as a nonprofit leader, Nadya has still found much to learn from her new vantage point during the Fund’s first year of operations. She is prepared to share her candid observations on the promise — and the challenge — of long-term collaboration in the region and nationally.
We will begin the morning with our panel of lawyers who deal with nonprofit legal issues every day reviewing the most important legal developments for nonprofits during the last year.
The first round of afternoon breakout sessions will include:
- Mergers, Acquisitions and Collaborations
- Transgender Issues for Nonprofits
- Charitable Giving Issues
The second round will feature:
- Implementing the new Fair Labor Standards Act rules
- Ethical issues for lawyers and executives
The program will provide 5 hours of continuing legal education credit for Pennsylvania lawyers, including an hour of ethics credit for those attending the ethics session, and 5 hours of CPE for Pennsylvania accountants.
Participants will receive a new or renewed one-year subscription to Nonprofit Issues®, plus program materials. The program starts at 9 a.m. and runs until 3:45 p.m. The registration fee is $155, but additional registrants from the same organization may attend for only $85. Lawyers requesting Pennsylvania CLE must pay an additional $10 for processing. We will provide you with lunch and materials.
9:00 a.m. WELCOME
Donald W. Kramer Chair, Nonprofit Law Group, Editor, Nonprofit Issues®
10:45 a.m. BREAK
11:00 a.m. “Strategic Alliances and Restructuring: The Overview From an Encouraging Collaboration of Funders”
Nadya K. Shmavonian, Director, Nonprofit Repositioning Fund
12:15 p.m. LUNCH
Mergers, acquisitions and collaborations
- Mergers, Acquisitions and Affiliations (Presentation)
- Nonprofit Mergers, Acquisitions and Affiliations (Webinar)
Transgender issues for nonprofits
What to Do When the Bequest Matures: Developing a Checklist
2:15 p.m. BREAK
Implementing the new FLSA rules
- Guidance for Non-Profit Organizations on Paying Overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act
- 2016 FLSA White Collar Exemption Changes: What Employers Should Know About Changes to the Minimum Salary for Exempt Employees
- FLSA White Collar Exemptions: Meeting the Duties Test
- Weekend shelter worker not covered by FLSA
- Church custodian not covered by FLSA
- Nonprofit food distributor may be subject to FLSA
- Workers do not show nonprofit housing group is under FLSA
- Community service not subject to FLSA
- Agency employees “engaged in commerce” covered by FLSA
Ethical issues for lawyers and executives
Participants receive a FREE one year subscription (or renewal) to Nonprofit Issues®.
For general registration:
Registration for PA Lawyers: