
Chernak to Present on Legal Depositions in Sports Medicine

Partner Frank Chernak will be presenting at the National Athletic Trainers' Association Convention on June 23, 2023 on the panel "Legal Depositions in Sports Medicine". During the panel, attendees will: Learn about to interact professionally with an attorney in a legal deposition. Learn risk management strategies in sports medicine. Learn standards of care for concussion. […]

Kergides to Present at Sexual Abuse Litigation and Coverage Conference

Associate Kacie Kergides will be presenting at Perrin Conferences Sexual Abuse Litigation and Coverage Conference on October 5, 2023 on the panel "Trends in Sexual Abuse Litigation and the Status of the Litigation". The panel will cover: Jurisdictional updates on case law and legislation Recent decisions More information for the conference or to register

Lynam to Present at S.A.V.E.S. Conference

Co-chair Ashley Lynam will be presenting at S.A.V.E.S. (Sexual Abuse, Victimization, and Exploitation Symposium) Virtual Conference on October 6, 2023 on the panel “I Fought the Law and the Law Won: Legal Updates and the Future of SML”. More information for the conference or to register

Bobby O’Connor to Speak at International Maritime Law Seminar

On November 7, 2023, Partner Bobby O'Connor will be speaking at the International Maritime Law Seminar in London. He will be speaking with other knowledgeable lawyers in the maritime law industry, who will share insights on the most recent advancements in maritime and transport law within their respective regions. More information for the conference or […]

Ashley Lynam and Kacie Kergides Presenting at Nonprofit Issues’ Webinar

On November 8, 2023, co-chair Ashley Lynam and associate Kacie Kergides will be presenting at Nonprofit Issues' webinar "Investigations 101". The presentation will cover: What to do when a sexual misconduct complaint is filed if you are an executive or a board member of a nonprofit Appropriate steps to take to respond to the complaint […]

Ashley Lynam to Present at ACC Greater Philadelphia’s Litigation Conference

On November 9, 2023, co-chair Ashley Lynam will be presenting on "The Future of Restrictive Covenants: Legal Updates & Corporate Strategies" at ACC Greater Philadelphia's Litigation Conference. The presentation will cover: State-based restrictions on non-compete clauses and the FTC’s proposed ban Practical advice for inventory review, agreement revisions and other strategies for protection of company […]

William Kennedy to Present for Bux-Mont HR Association

On November 15, William Kennedy will be presenting "Lessons From Trial" to Bux-Mont HR Association. The presentation will guide you through trial preparation and presentation, drawing insights from real-life cases to help managers and HR professionals place today’s decisions into the context of a future trial. By the end of the session, you will be […]

Dylan Henry and Kacie Kergides to Present on Concussion and CTE Litigation

The University of MichiganAnn Arbor, MI, United States

Dylan Henry and Kacie Kergides will be presenting to the University of Michigan's Concussion Center on emerging topics within CTE litigation on November 16, 2023. More information for the presentation or to register

Ashley Lynam to Present on “The Evolving Landscape of Sexual Abuse/Molestation Litigation”

On December 5, 2023, co-chair Ashley Lynam will be presenting on "The Evolving Landscape of Sexual Abuse/Molestation Litigation" at the PLUS Conference. The presentation will cover: SAM/SML losses by industry and frequency Recent settlements and verdicts The impact of statutes of limitations reform Current SML trends The potential for prevention through services and crisis management […]

Ashley Lynam and Leah Tedford to Present at ACC’s Litigation Webinar

On January 30, 2024, co-chair Ashley Lynam and associate Leah Tedford will be presenting on "ESG in 2024: Regulatory & Litigation Risks & Predictions for the New Year" at the Association of Corporate Counsel Litigation Webinar. The presentation will cover: Updates on the state of environmental, social and governance efforts within businesses Review recent regulatory […]

Timothy Pastore to Present at Financial Poise Webinar

On January 31, 2024, partner Timothy Pastore will be presenting at Financial Poise's webinar, "Litigation Basics: TROs and Preliminary Injunctions". The webinar will cover: Procedures and strategies for obtaining temporary restraining orders and preliminary injunctions Procedural and substantive requirements for obtaining TROs and preliminary injunctions Best practices for how to succeed on motions seeking TROs […]

Alfred Kuffler to Present at CMA Shipping Conference

On March 13, 2024, partner Alfred Kuffler will be speaking at the CMA Shipping Conference on the panel, "OPA 90 Successes, Challenges and Views of the Future." The panel will discuss: One of the most successful pieces of environmental legislation: OPA 90 What has worked and where is there room for improvement? Risks associated with […]

Ashley Lynam to Speak on the “Motherhood Penalty”

On March 21, 2024, Chair Ashley Lynam will be speaking on a panel at the Chancellor's-President's Forum on "'The Motherhood Penalty' and Its Impact on the Legal Field." Ashley will […]

Ashley Lynam to Speak at AMSSM Annual Meeting

On April 15, 2024, Chair Ashley Lynam will be speaking at the American Medical Society For Sports Medicine Annual Meeting. She will discuss legal perspectives of mental health in athletes. […]

Timothy Pastore to Speak at the Electronic Security Expo

Timothy Pastore will be presenting on cybersecurity readiness at the Electronic Security Expo on June 5, 2024. In today’s interconnected world, cyber threats are becoming increasingly sophisticated and pervasive, posing […]